a blog post about the work and creative processes of photographer Alec Soth.

Alec Soth is a photographer who was born and is currently based in Minneapolis, Minnesota in the USA. He is a currently active photographer who has published over 25 books. His first book and exhibition was published and held in 2004, a project called 'Sleeping by the Mississippi'. Alec has won multiple awards for his work. He is also a member of Magnum Photos.
Alec Soth has created many projects covering a wide range of themes.However, the project I am going to focus on is ‘Broken Manual’. A documentary following the production and development of the project was created, this documentary was called ‘Somewhere to Dissapear’.
When traveling to locations to shoot images, Alec always travels by car. He does this in order to have more freedom than what he would get when flying places, this also allows him to perhaps take images in places he didn’t plan on going and wouldn’t have been able to access without a car. The only thing he has to serve as directions is a piece of paper taped to the wheel of his car.
When Alec arrives at a location to take an image, he always explores a little. He will also make an effort to meet the locals and talk to them to gain an insight into their lives and also learn about the area he is in. When he shoots a subject, he will have lengthy conversations with them before setting up for the shot. He always creates a relationship with his subjects.
Alec may make an effort to converse with his subjects to make them feel at ease. He shoots with a large 8 x 10 camera which may be intimidating to those being photograph, and building a trusting relationship with Alec may make the subjects more relaxed for the camera.
Alec Soth’s projects are all very effective at conveying their messages, particularly Broken Manual. All the images in the project provoke thoughts and emotions are very well conveyed through.